Web design for Catholic Charities Diocese of Fresno. CCDOF needed to update their website to make it easy for both donors and clients access their services.
Web design for Catholic Charities Diocese of Fresno. CCDOF needed to update their website to make it easy for both donors and clients access their services.
The website makes it easy for the two target audiences to access the information they're looking for. Clients can get aid and the charity's locations right from the front page, while donors can choose to donate immediately or learn more about the charity's operations.
The color palette was selected by the client. On the website, orange represents action or interactability, while the tans and browns represent section changes.
The client originally used the font Bebas as their primary font, which was only available in all caps. Since large amounts of text in this font could stress the eyes, I switched them over to Bebas Neue, which has lowercase letters and is less urgent and intense.