Warhammer 40,000 is a popular table top wargame featuring a deep lore and customizable figurines. The rules are fairly complicated for new players. An app is available that attempts to synthesize this information, but it is very confusing, slow, buggy, and ugly. In this concept design, I rectify these issues with a modern design that compliments the existing brand identity.
Warhammer 40,000 is a popular table top wargame featuring a deep lore and customizable figurines. The rules are fairly complicated for new players. An app is available that attempts to synthesize this information, but it is very confusing, slow, buggy, and ugly. In this concept design, I rectify these issues with a modern design that compliments the existing brand identity.
The unit roster displays all of the units (or groups of models) the player intends to play with. Cards can be viewed in a stack or in a grid. Icons on the right side of the corner can be customized to reflect the real world model's paint scheme.
The unit roster displays all of the units (or groups of models) the player intends to play with. Cards can be viewed in a stack or in a grid. Icons on the right side of the corner can be customized to reflect the real world model's paint scheme.
Tapping a card opens a full screen view of the unit. The game is divided into 5 phases per turn. Swiping right and left on the cards allows the player to change the phase, showing relevant information for that phase. Each phase has its own distinct neon color, making the current phase unmistakable. Cards automatically adjust the interface color to the unit's artwork.
Units can be customized by tapping the unit icon in the upper right corner of the card. Units often have many options available to them, some are illegal to play at the same time. In the previous version of the app, a warning would appear, but the app would not tell you how to fix these issues. In this concept, Conflicts are automatically resolved with animation. For example, dragging a unit leader into the active well will automatically send the previous leader back into the pool. Similarly, dragging a new weapon into the equipped well will remove any weapons that conflict with the new weapon.
The color palette is dynamic, adjusting to whatever artwork is currently on screen, contrasted with the bright neon colors that represent the phases of play.